Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Survival Scenario: How to Survive if you are Trapped by a Power Line in a Car

Survival Scendario: How to Survive if you are Trapped by a Power Line in a Car 

  • The first and most important thing is to turn off the car.  Having the car running can cause a host of other problems that could exacerbate the main issue.
  • Do not try to try through the wire--this could create even more of a dynamic problem.  Tell people to stay away from the vehicle.  Even at a distance of twenty feet or more, a person is still endanger of being electrocuted.  
  • The best thing you can do, try to stay still, and wait for help.  If waiting is not an option, for example, if there is a fire in the car that threatens your life, then proceed to follow the steps below.
    • Move as far away from where the electrical wire touches the car.  Since the car is grounded and insulated by the tires, you will most likely will not be shocked as you move.  

    • The closer you are to where the electrical wire touches the car, the more danger you are in.  Just because you do not see the voltage whipping through the ground does not mean it is not there.

    • If there are sparks, use whatever is in the area to protect you from their heat and burn.
    • If you need to jump from the vehicle, jump as far as you can, while keeping your feet together.  Keeping your feet together will prevent you from creating a large surface area.  Do not jump so far that you have to catch yourself with your hands.  You want the rubber in your shoes to help insulate you from the electricity.  
    • Once you land, slowly, shuffle your feet in a direction away from the vehicle.  Do not jump or run, since you are already grounded and this could create an arc between you and the electricity.  
    • Once you are clear from the area, make sure that the road is blocked off so others do not inadvertently put themselves in danger.  

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