Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Review for the unabridged version of The Stand

First, the good.  Stephen King is a good writer, and the characterizations in the novel are well done.  He creates a dynamic host of characters that are unforgettable.  Each one has their own passions, drives, motivations, appetites, and back story.  The natural disaster is a disease that spreads throughout the world, effectively killing off the vast majority of the population.  The set for the release of the disease as well as the spread of destruction is also well done.  King has a tremendous talent at making the event seem realistic and powerful.  If the story would have ended there, it would be a very memorable book.  

But then the weird stuff starts happening.  Everyone starts seeing visions, a mystical bad guy appears, there is a good women who holds some strange power.  The apocalyptic scenario takes a step into the mystical and magical.  Actually, it is more than a step it's a complete change in direction.  Suddenly, the plot shifts into something that is so fantastical it makes Lord of the Rings seem plausible.

I know that King does with a lot of his novels, but for this particular one, the realism would have been so much better than the fantastical.  If he would have continued on with the same tone, cadence, and realism he had in the beginning, it would have been a fantastic novel.

Ratings (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest)

Overall: 5
Well Written:  10
Plot: 10 In the beginning
          2 By the end
Characters:  8

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