Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Review for Lights Out

Review for Lights Out

First, the good.  The novel picks up on what sort of vehicles would be operable in an EMP.  The author goes into interesting detail, but not overbearing, on why some vehicles would work, and why others would not.  He even mentions specific years, makes, and models.  I found this interesting.  The other idea about this novel that I enjoyed is the coming together of a community to survive a disaster.  

As everyone else that has reviewed the book, I would like to add my criticism to the hundreds of voices before: this book is very poorly written.  The only thing that could make it more juvenile is if it was written in crayon.  The characters are flat and absent of description.  Besides their names, I the characters seemed to have the same, static personalities.  The main character has several flashes of anger and then suddenly calms down and apologizes--like some bipolar emotionally unstable individual.  It's weird, to say the least.  They are so flat that it is hard to take anything they say in dialogue serious.

I did not find the story predictable, but I did find it border line unrealistic.  The novel does seem to get better as it moves along, as the author gets into a rhythm, but even then I didn't care about the characters, their situation, or anything else in the novel.  I enjoyed the book in the sense that this subject matter is something I interested in, and it is fun to step into a scenario that one did not consider before, but if it wasn't for that, there is no way I could trudge through this novel.    

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